What is a Food Desert?
The Georgia Rural Health Innovation Center is housed within the School of Medicine and is dedicated to empowering rural communities to improve access and effectiveness of health care. The Center accomplishes this mission by offering research, collaboration, and training opportunities. Mercer University School of Medicine’s Summer Student Research Scholars program matches students with faculty throughout…
Protecting Your Brain
By: Baylee B., Medical Student Mercer University School of Medicine Hey, kiddos! I know you’re all probably in the thick of summer activities and are hopefully enjoying getting outside in the sunshine and fresh air, even during this pandemic. You’re likely outside playing baseball or football, swimming, riding bikes, playing games, and all the other…
Superhumans VS the CoVillain
Greetings, superheroes! I know the last few months may have been confusing and scary. With school getting moved online, not seeing your friends, always staying at home, not getting to hug your grandparents – none of it makes sense, and you really wish things were back to normal, I bet. I know that I do.…
COVID: Understanding Health Information
As the crisis with COVID continues, it is important that we have high-quality health information that we can understand and use to make decisions about our health. The coronavirus outbreak has created a situation with new and old instructions on how to be safe that can be quite complex. The instructions to “wash your hands”…