COVID: Understanding Health Information
As the crisis with COVID continues, it is important that we have high-quality health information that we can understand and use to make decisions about our health. The coronavirus outbreak has created a situation with new and old instructions on how to be safe that can be quite complex. The instructions to “wash your hands”…
COVID-19 Antibody Testing
The Medical Student Minute for the Georgia Rural Health Innovation Center Welcome to the Medical Student Minute! We are so glad you’re here. Through this forum, Mercer School of Medicine students will provide informational updates on some hot topics in the world of public health, medicine, and rural health. This is not medical advice. Have…
Well Water Quality
Leonardo Da Vinci once said, “Water is the driving force of all nature.” Water is essential for the survival of all that exists on earth. If water is essential for survival and necessary to stay healthy, then that water should not be harmful to people’s health. Public water systems have mandated chlorination and filtering processes…
Pesticide Use in Home Gardens
A pesticide is defined as any substance used to kill, repel or control certain insects or other organisms considered to be pests. Pesticides used frequently by home gardeners include herbicides, insecticides and fungicides to control weeds, bugs and fungal diseases, respectively. When used safely, pesticides can increase production in gardens by reducing losses caused by…