Children's Healthcare of Atlanta

Child Abuse and Neglect ECHO
Various child abuse physicians and nurses from around the state come together to discuss cases they’ve seen and learn about different aspects of their specialty.

Child Abuse Pediatricians Fellowship ECHO
This ECHO is aimed towards teaching CAP Fellows more detailed information on content specs during their fellowship.

Georgia Statewide CSEC MDT ECHO
Bringing together various groups around the state to discuss cases regarding youth that have been confirmed CSEC (Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children).

Pediatric Obesity and Endocrinology ECHO
This course is aimed at community physicians to help increase their understanding of pediatric obesity and endocrine challenges.

Behavioral and Mental Health – Anxiety Cohort
This course is aimed at education community physicians around anxiety issues that their patients may be facing.

Behavioral and Mental Health – Autism Cohort
This course is aimed at education community physicians around challenges and how to best support patients and families with autism

Behavioral and Mental Health – Depression Cohort
The purpose of this ECHO is to educate community physicians on depression related issues within the pediatric population.

Emory University

eGNA’s Genetic Nutrition ECHO
This multi-disciplinary ECHO program is geared for medical providers working in the field of Inherited Metabolic Disorders and focuses on sharing evidence-based knowledge while demonstrating best practice in medical nutrition management of patients identified primarily through population-based Newborn Screening.

Serious Communicable Diseases Program (SCDP) ECHO
Our ECHO program’s goal is to create a forum for medical professionals responding to COVID-19 and other special pathogens to learn from infectious disease experts, ask questions, and share evolving best practices around COVID-19/special pathogen management. Topics will vary session to session and will include but are not limited to: the COVID vaccines, COVID considerations during pregnancy, personal protective equipment, and more topics to be announced. Any health care professional working with COVID-19 or special pathogens is encouraged to attend, including doctors, nurses, paramedics, etc. No level of infectious disease experience is required. Some sessions’ content will be targeted towards specific health care professionals; please review the list of upcoming sessions to register for sessions relevant to your practice.

Georgia Rural Health Innovation Center

Rural Healthcare Ethics

Rural Healthcare Ethics ECHOs will explore issues in end of life care, proxy decision making, scarcity of resources, pediatrics, and difficult discharge. Participants will gain new skills and learn from the experiences of their peers.

Rural Healthcare Ethics | Georgia Rural Health Innovation Center

Georgia State University - Center for Leadership in Disability

Caring for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) During Disasters and Emergencies
The Center for Leadership in Disability (CLD) at Georgia State University, in partnership with Adult Disability Medical Healthcare, Inc. (ADMH), has received a grant from the WITH Foundation to develop and implement a series of web-based trainings for primary care providers (PCPs) who work with individuals with IDD. The training will educate PCPs on best practices for providing accessible, responsive, and culturally competent care to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) during pandemics and similar emergencies. Examples of topics to be addressed through our training include:

  • Working with families to develop an emergency preparedness plan
  • Applying universal design principles to telehealth delivery
  • Providing culturally competent care
  • Meeting physical and mental health needs during times of crisis

Project SCOPE
Project SCOPE: Supporting Children of the Opioid Epidemic, is a national three-year ECHO training initiative intended to build nationwide provider capacity and confidence in applying evidence-based practices in screening, monitoring, and interdisciplinary support for children and families diagnosed with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS), Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome (NOWS), or who are suspected of being impacted by opioid use, trauma, or related exposure. The focus of this project is to educate early childhood practitioners to better support children of the opioid epidemic. The training is ten sessions in length and covers the following topics:

  • The current status of the opiate epidemic
  • Basic brain development related to the biology of addiction
  • Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS)/ Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome (NOWS) and other developmental outcomes of prenatal exposures
  • Trauma-informed care, including strategies to work with children in the classroom
  • Information on practices to implement when concerns arise with a child’s development
  • The impact of this work on the care provider/secondary traumatic stress and strategies to support caregivers

National Nursing Home COVID-19 Action Network – Emory University/Georgia State University
The AHRQ ECHO National Nursing Home COVID-19 Action Network—a partnership between AHRQ, the University of New Mexico’s ECHO Institute and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)—provides free training and mentorship to nursing homes across the country to increase the implementation of evidence-based infection prevention and safety practices to protect residents and staff. Emory University and Georgia State University are partnering as collaborators on the project along with hundreds of other training centers across the US.

If your organization is hosting ECHO sessions and would like to be added to the consortium, please fill out the form below.
If you have questions about the Georgia ECHO Consortium, please email Chris Scoggins, MPH, at

Georgia ECHO Consortium