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Farm Worker Well-being Survey

The Resource and Analysis team at the Georgia Rural Health Innovation Center, and Stephanie Basey from the PhD in Rural Health Sciences, have designed a multiple-year study to assess the mental well-being and stressors for agricultural workers in Georgia. This large community has traditionally been underrepresented in mental health research. The team is working closely with the Georgia Foundation for Agriculture, which was founded with the primary objective of advancing Georgia agriculture and creating healthy communities.

The long-term intention of the study is to set up suitable interventions based on the results of the longitudinal data. A pilot survey has been developed in close cooperation with the Georgia Rural Health Innovation Center, with input from select agricultural partners. Currently, the pilot study, both in English and Spanish, is underway for a few hundred agricultural workers. Once the pilot study is completed, the intention is to make the necessary changes and go state-wide with the study. During the full study, focus groups are set up systematically not only to provide richer insights into the results from the surveys but also to feed information back into the development of new survey questions.

This study will address the Center’s mental health Grand Challenge initiative.

The contact person for the study is Dr. Anne Montgomery – or PhD Student Stephanie Basey –

Farm Worker Well-being Preliminary Report